Building foundations for a long-term ministry
― Ken Blanchard

As a certified mentor with NXTGen Pastors, I help young pastors and ministry leaders master the 6 essential soft skills:

Spiritual formation is a lifelong pursuit of having our thoughts, behaviors, and feelings come under the authority of God’s Word. We will examine corporate, family, and personal worship and will focus on all facets where spiritual growth is needed.

Self-care (or soul care) is about knowing yourself and about continually developing as a whole person, including emotional, spiritual, relational, physical, and intellectual areas of life.

Emotional intelligence is about your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others. We will focus on listening to understand, recognizing heart issues, and applying relational wisdom.

The gospel speaks to every culture, and we need to understand how to function effectively in situations of cultural diversity. We will use the Intercultural Development Inventory and examine issues surrounding racial reconciliation and generational distinctives.

We will examine the practical skills that are needed to manage a church, such as time management, finances, and self-motivation. You will gain insights from interacting with elders and ministry leaders.

The call to serve the body of Christ is first a call to serve your own family. Unfortunately, many pastors’ families often suffer neglect. It’s vital to understand the common stressors in marriage, and we will use Parakaleo, an important tool for the ongoing health of pastors’ spouses.
These soft skills often aren’t imparted in an academic, classroom setting or in the context of an internship. But a mentoring cohort provides an encouraging, interactive learning environment for you to grow in each of these skills.
Cohorts meet 1–3 times per quarter. Please contact me to learn more about joining our next cohort.
“I served in ministry with Ben Taylor for many years, as an elder at a church where he was serving as pastor. In my Christian life, there have been a handful of mentors who have raised my understanding in key areas of my belief, and Ben was one of those, providing me a much deeper understanding of God’s grace than I had before I met him.”