Category Archives: Gospel Living

“The Powerful Tool For Powerful Living”

The story was told about a man who wanted to build a cabin in the woods. The place that he chose to build was far off the beaten path. He wanted that sense of privacy and remoteness and he found the perfect spot. So, he went to the local hardware store and purchased all of the latest power tools. With great excitement he loaded up all of his newly purchased treasure trove of tools and made his way to the woods. After arriving at his chosen spot and as he began to unload his tools, etc., he realized that something was very wrong. There was no power. How can you use power tools that have no power source?

God never intended for the Christian life to be led through our own abilities, gifts, or through sheer will power. Think of all the tools that He has given us as means of growth and change. He has given us His Word, corporate and personal worship, fellowship, prayer, etc. Can we participate in these means without availing ourselves of God’s power? Can we participate in the forms of godliness without power? Some would say “we can fake it, till we make it”… but, just as power tools cannot run without power Christians cannot live the Christian life without the power of God.

There were many options for the Apostle Paul in terms of which form of the Greek word for power that he would use. He chose the word dunamis to describe the nature of the gospel’s power. Why this word among the many he could have used? Well, dunamis is power, natural ability, inherent power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or power which a person or thing exerts or puts forth. The gospel is the inherent, omnipotent power of God operating in the salvation of a lost soul that accepts it.

Here we have an interesting insight into the meaning of this word. The gospel is INHERENTLY the power of God that works and operates and accomplishes God’s purpose. The gospel carries the very power of God. So, it truly is more than a mere story or message. It is a vital weapon. It is the power source of God!